
Leverage LinkedIn. Learn how to REALLY use LinkedIn to connect2collaborate.


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e-course:  LinkedIn for Baby Boomers and Other Encore Career Changers
LinkedIn for Baby Boomers and Other Encore Career Changers
Your Price: $44.99

This online e-course is ideal for baby boomers to learn new techniques in LinkedIn sections you have never heard before, have never thought about before, have never considered before, and you will be well on your way to uncovering new opportunities leading to an exciting, rewarding, appropriate encore career position.

The whole package (the worksheet, the 90 narrated slides, and the workdaily blog) will allow you to continuously master my proven, practical tips and techniques, improve your LinkedIn profile, and become a better contender, and improve your career story along the way.

Note: There is a private URL link in the payment receipt you will receive by email which will allow you to open and view this e-course and the supplemental materials.

Thank you for your purchase. I wish you well in your career journey!

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